Sites We Love: Cities of Service

Cities of Service was created by mayor Michael Bloomberg.  With his direction, a coalition of cities was created along with commitments from volunteers declaring that a volunteer must also acknowledge they are a citizen.  From this coalition, non-profit organizations joined and created an even larger web of networks.  Today Cities of Service is nationwide and in full strength.  Check out the Cities of Service website to see if your city is involved.

Orgs We Love: Girls Inc.

It is pretty remarkable that nonprofit and social change organizations are getting advertising spots during On Demand shows.  One of those organizations is Girls Inc. Girls Inc. inspires all girls to be strong, smart, and bold, providing more than 138,000 girls across the U.S. and Canada with life-changing experiences and real solutions to the unique issues girls face. It is backed by Oprah Winfrey and can be found through out the country.  One of its strengths is that it has a model where 88% of its expenses is for the participants.  Additionally, it is not associated with a larger organization so it does not discriminate where different chapters find their home.

Here is the ad that can be seen during On Demand television.

Sites We Love: Elite Daily

Elite Daily is not necessarily a social change site.  It is dedicated to being the voice for Generation Y.  Sometimes however, they have a wonderful article that challenges the imagination and forces us to be better people. In October, we must be reminded to be better in all of our different dynamics.

The article is Portraits of Powerful Men and Women as Societal Stereotypes.   Here are one of them for you.

Causees We Love: Gun Control

Gun control has got to be discussed.  That is the fact in this country.  It doesn’t have to be as severe as taking hunter’s guns away from them, but it can’t be people able to walk into a gun show and buy guns without proper procedure happening.  This map has just been released since Sandy Hook.  It is clear that we are not doing anything to stop children from killing children.

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This map comes from an article by

I also love this interview on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart.  These two lovable men do tell some truth about gun control.

Causes We Love: Gender Identification

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Recently my dear friend, co-host, business partner and non-sexual life partner wrote an Open Letter to Ru Paul.  It was a great vehicle to share some honest and truthful thoughts on language used to reference the Transgender community.  More importantly, the article expresses the relationship in the LGBT community and how often, the LGB are not respective of the T.  It is a letter that also reveal vulnerability.  Here is a teaser…

I would like to express my frustration with your show.  I have, over the years, enjoyed the show mostly due to the fact that so many of friends have participated in it one way or another. At the current time I am just exhausted.

Don’t get me wrong, I do understand the drag culture very well and first hand but I find the show’s constant use of offensive terms to be deplorable and unacceptable.

To read the entire letter and learn more about this phenomenal woman, check out

To donate to the work that Dina is getting done to better assist her in her efforts of advocacy in the LGBT community, check out her Go Fund Me.