Talking Shop with Heather

Getting back to Las Vegas was amazing for me to assess where I had come in the last ten years but it was also a great chance to really see what some of my friends have accomplished.  My urban family from Vegas all seems to be doing really well.  My friend Amy has finished up her masters degree, Lenay is working in a much challenged realtor’s office that is handling many of the foreclosed houses on Vegas and Shalice has overcome a ton of obstacles the past few years and has still raised her daughter to be a well-behaved, responsible young woman. 

One of my friends that I really got a chance to sit down with was Heather.  She is currently working on getting into Law School to become a child advocate.  While I was there, she was following a story about a child that was left in the car for seventeen hours by his parents.  Heather talks about the trial but while I was in Las Vegas the parents were sentenced.  Here is the link to read the article about that trial.