Tools We Love: Periscope

Recently on a project with Peacework, we were introduced to Periscope.  If you haven’t heard about it yet, let us have the excitement to introduce you to it.  Periscope, similar to Meerkat, is a new social media platform that allows you to broadcast an event, meeting, conversation, or whatever, live for a much wider audience. The app also allows viewers to become interactive in the conversation by adding insight, asking questions, or just emoticons. We suggest you play with it and begin sharing it because we see it as an amazing vehicle to build bridges among diverse communities.

Here are some tools to help you better utilize Periscope: 

  • Here are two videos to help you a little bit. The first video comes from ‘Here is Your Guide‘.



Damon’s View on Social Media

Since it is the week of Earth Day and we are practicing going green, it has also been suggested that it be a week where we put down our technology.  That gets put in the shadow of ipads going into the classrooms of kindergarteners.  While I was in New York, I got a chance to sit down with Damon, a family therapist originally from Los Angeles.  In this part of the interview, Damon adds his thoughts on technology and social media. It really is about us getting what we want out of the different aspects of social media and not letting it become a tool to house all the negativity.  I’ll let Damon explain it because he does it much better.

Here are a couple other links that I though would be a great pairing with this post.  This first one is Damon’s website Should-less where you can check out his book as well as his forty lessons to forty blog.

I also found this link as I was looking for topics around giving up technology for a week.  It is called Give Up Internet and it offers humor for internet people.

The Hidden Room Theatre

One of the coolest things that I’ve seen since I’ve been in Austin, TX has been the play, “You Don’t Know Her, She Lives in London; You Don’t Know Him, He Lives in Texas.” It is this interactive play via Skype that takes place in a loft in Austin and a loft in London. Definitely a new form of theatre that is way ahead of the curve that is using technology to its full advantage.  Beth Burns, the creator, really put something together where not only the actors are involved but so is the audience. There are plays, such as Tony and Tina’s Wedding, which bring the audience into what is happening, but this forced the audience into the stage area. By using  Twitter and Facebook, the playis able to get people watching via Skype involved as well.  As a seasoned theatre goer as well as an actor, I am thoroughly impressed.  Thank you everyone at The Hidden Room for letting me intrude your space.