Causes We Love: Marriage Equality

A large part of Positive Social Change is finding equality for all. A pressing source of inequality in our nation has been bans on same-sex marriage. Here is a brief explanation of what happened today and what the future holds. We also added some suggestions for change makers who are curious how to use their energy after this ruling.

 What Happened? The five states, Wisconsin, Indiana, Utah, Oklahoma, and Virginia, all had cases where Federal Judges ruled that same-sex marriage bans were unconstitutional. The opposing parties to this ruling then appealed their cases to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court rejected all five cases. Therefore, the ruling sits on what the Federal Judges stated in the circuit courts.

First, in the near future, same sex bans will be dissolved in those five states. Second, all the states that each of those Federal Courts preside over will also dissolve any other same-sex marriage bans that may be present. That includes a total of 11 states. Thus, bringing the number of states where same-sex marriage is legal from 19 to 30.

Will the Supreme Court take this issue up some time soon? It is possible. Currently there are four other rulings from judges from the Appeals Courts on a Federal level that very possibly may be something the Supreme Court takes on. As for now, we must just wait.

What do you do as a change maker?

  • It is important to keep up on current events. Know what is happening and share accurate information.
  • Identify when you can safely correct other people who may be providing wrong information
  • Use your energy to work on other causes that growth can be seen. This rejection is a win and that should be celebrated. Until more development can be done though, don’t just spin your wheels, use that energy productively.

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