Causes We Love: Race Together

Yesterday, March 16th, Starbucks announced that they have invited their partners (employees) to begin inviting customers to have conversations about race.  We think this is awesome and is a fantastic step towards getting our entire country to actually identify that an inequity and prejudice exists in America between races.  We must discuss these issues if we are to overcome them and become a better society. We here at Project Kinect could continue to discuss this historical decision by Starbucks, but everyone else already is.

Below are some great references if you want to know more about exactly what Starbucks is doing:

First, check out the Starbucks Website:

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Think Progress put it most perfectly:

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Corporate Social Responsibility

Last November I shared how Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks, was presenting the $5 donation bracelet at the registers of his stores in a goal to create an amount of money to give as grants to new nonprofits and business owners.  This is just one of the many ways the Starbucks is establishing it’s social responsibility.  During the Super Bowl this year, another corporate chain shared a commercial about how it is establishing social responsibility.  This company was Chipotle.

I really enjoyed the commercial and thought it being shared during the Super Bowl was fantastic.  Here it is incase you missed it. 

Here is an article from Planet Forward that shares a little more about how Chipotle is leading the way in Corporate Responsibility.


Starbucks Bracelets

Today Howard Schultz, the CEO of Starbucks announced that he would like us not to donate to Washington and to find a different way to donate for the growth of our country.  He has started a drive with bracelets at each Starbucks that 100% of the profit will go to a nonprofit that will provide small business loans.   In another interview this morning with Howard Schultz, I heard him say “the old way of doing business just to make money is selfish and unacceptable today”.  I feel that this is just the beginning of us seeing how some of the wealthy CEOs will be attempting to make our society better with the tools that they have. That really inspires me, and I hope it inspires others to further use the tools that we all have to better our country and our community. 


I acknowledge my love for Starbucks and here are other stories that Project Kinect has done on Starbucks.

Starbucks and Family

My team at Starbucks

Monday Spotlight: Starbucks and Family

In life, our connections and our family isn’t necessarily what we planned or what is expected in our paths forward.  When I moved back to LA in 2008, I took a job with Starbucks.  As I started Project Kinect, I mentioned my dedication to my team in my store that made my two and a half years with Starbucks so memorable.  What I haven’t talked about though was my team of managers that became urban family members. 

Yesterday our boss posted a number of pictures that she had from different events, gatherings and training events that we had.  Our district in Beverly Hills has become a spotlight district in the entire country because of her commitment, focus and dedication to the development of her managers and the vision she saw for the entire company.   Due to the great integrity of the company and the focus on the product and the customer, Starbucks in my opinion is the prime example of how a corporation can still make money and continue to have social awareness of how it is helping out a community. 

With this group of managers though, greatness happened.  The most simple way to put it is with some simple math.   Each of the 12 managers had an average of 12 employees. That right there is 156 happy, motivated, contagious people.  Each of those stores passed their great energy off to about 1000 people daily.  Now you have 12,156 people happy, motivated, and contagious every day.  If that is sustainable for even an hour after they leave the store, how many people does that influence?    This is why I have a personal belief that amazing customer service can change the world.  I know is sounds like a pipe dream, but it has some truth.

This Monday Spotlight is dedicated to those thirteen colleagues and all of the greatness that they put out into to world every day.  You really had a great influence on me and will forever be called family by me.  Thank you.

This video was my very first for Project Kinect.  It was taken when Whitney and I went downtown to visit Lui at her new store downtown in a new district.  Until the move, the three of us were considered the Century City Sisters: Mabel, Agatha and Bernice.