Andy Rooney

As many people already know, Andy Rooney, writer and 60 Minutes commentator, passed away on November 4th.  I’ve been fascinated by him from a young age because of his straight forward, yet satirical point of the truth.  I always felt like he was speaking to me directly, as many of us probably did, and I respected his ability to throw out what he was thinking and not remorse over any consequences.  In life, we have to hear the truth in order to identify what we can work on and Andy Rooney told the truth so we could face it.  Those people are so important to us as a community even if we love them or hate them. They work as our calibrators and help keep us on track, looking at what we’re doing and evaluating it.   I just wanted to post a couple of my favorite 60 minutes moments of Mr. Rooney.

If you would like to read more about his like, here is the New York Times article on him as well as his Wikipedia link.

Andy Rooney on Sleeping

Andy Rooney on Finances

And Rooney’s final send off

Occupy Wall Street

Since the middle of September, we have seen the entire nation taking on different charters of Occupy Wall Street.  While Occupy Together and Occupy Wall Street are the central hubs for this movement, I will be posting different stories, videos and events that  are happening on this page as well as different posts that I write.  In the New York Times today, the article on the non-violent protests shared a quote from Michael Kazin, a professor of history at Georgetown University. He said, “it was unclear if the current protests would lead to a lasting movement, which would require the newly unleashed passions to be channeled into institutions and shaped into political goals.”

Like the rest of the country, I have no clue to what the political goals or the right avenue for change is at the moment, but as this gains momentum, and leaders of this movement are chosen throughout the country, we will begin to see those needs and goals appear.  That is if this has the kinetic energy and the fuel to keep going the length it needs to make an impact and ignite the motivation from millions of others. 

October 4th:



  • CNN iReport: This video is fantastic of what happened on the Brooklyn Bridge this weekend.