Tools We Love: Story Telling

Storytelling is important… 

This weekend my cousin jokingly told me I went from trash to treasure. She was right and in more ways than just my relationship. Few people outside of close friends and intermediate family know all that I went through in 2014-2015. I didn’t think I would ever recover or bounce back. I got so tired of calling on friends to come and rescue my daughter, Zorah and me. I got tired of looking for places to stay so that I could sleep safely only to be woken up by nightmares.

I remember riding on the passenger side of my car believing my ex was about to drop me off at work. I remember feeling the vibe was off and that I should keep quiet. I remember being relieved that we were almost at my work and that I had managed to miss another one of his episodes. Then he turned around and in no time, we were driving 120mph on the interstate. He said I thought I was “somebody” because I had a new job. He told me that, “I wasn’t better than him” and that “we both were about to die.” I remember him leaving the right driving lane to veer towards some construction work and then all of sudden he stopped. He drove me to work and I walked in with a smile on my face.

I should have left then, but I had left before. I figured why try to leave again. In so many words, that day I had accepted my fate. Along with that acceptance, my idea of what a nuclear family should like & my fear of being a single Black mom caused me to stay longer than I should have. My settling for trash in my relationship caused me to settle for trash in other areas. I didn’t think I was valuable enough to be a great mom. I didn’t recognize the value of my skill set and settled for a low salary. I WAS LOST.

Not only was I lost, but I felt alone. Some friends, who didn’t understand why I stayed, walked away. It was difficult. I will never deny that, yet, it gets better. I know that for sure. IT GETS BETTER!

You don’t have to settle for half love, abusive partners, unappreciative jobs, or anyone for that matter that doesn’t value you. You may not leave the first time, or the second, or the third but know that you are not alone. Know that our stories have made us kindred and that I honor you for your story.  I believe in the power of sharing our stories. We give power to ourselves by telling our truth. I pray that you will see the glory in your truth and grab ahold to it. The book of Romans tells us “that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” I’m telling you that the Glory is already upon us. I hope this helps you to see your Glory more now than ever before. 



A little more about storytelling….

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Voices We Love: Rebecca Ryan

Project Kinect is so happy to call Madison, Wisconsin home for so many reasons.  One of the biggest reasons however, is because Madison is filled with forward thinkers and positive social change makers. One of them is Rebecca Ryan. She is the founder of Next Generation Consulting, is a futurist, an author, and a public speaker. And basically, she rocks. A couple weeks ago, she published a little piece on her Facebook page, “I am a Liability to the Status Quo” that we found brilliant.  Here it is in the entirety:

I am a liability to the status quo.

Last night, I was having drinks with the executive director and the chairman of a board I serve on. They shared another board member’s response to my strategic ideas: “You know,” he said hesitantly, “Rebecca’s a fighter. And she’s W A A A Y out there…” He was pointing to the future, or the edge of his vision. I’m not sure which.

I felt a little guilty about this. I wondered if I’d put our chairman or ED in a bad spot with this other board member.

So I slept on it. And I’ve come to this: if you want to preserve the status quo, if you don’t want to stretch your vision, I’m gonna make you uncomfortable. And I’m willing to fight mightily for a future that benefits all of our children. Here’s my secret: in every meeting, I imagine a row of chairs occupied by kids I’ll never meet, people who will be born long after I’m dead. And I think about what decisions I can make today that will benefit them.

That’s not “out there” in the future. That’s in here. (I am pointing to my heart.)

So screw anyone who wants to judge me because of their lack of comfort with the future or their discomfort with conflict. Future generations aren’t going to look back on us and say, “Thank you for maintaining the status quo. Thank you for continuing with your consumptive, environment-killing, selfish ways. I know that’s what made you comfortable, and I’m so glad you valued your comfort over my future.”

Hell, no.

I’ll continue to be a liability to the status quo. And I’ll work my face off to help others do the same.


If you want to see a little more of Rebecca Ryan’s brilliance, here is a video. It is a few years old, but still embodies her forwardness, honesty, and greatness.


Tools We Love: DSIL

At a Glance

The Designing for Social Innovation and Leadership Course (DSIL) is a global field experience and community for multi-stage entrepreneurs & impact driven changemakers. DSIL is a cutting edge program that leverages quality field based immersion and the convenience of online classes with global thought leaders to create dynamic learning for graduate students, professionals and practitioners  interested in creating sustainable impact and systems change around the world through social enterprise.

DSIL is delivered in academic and administrative partnership by the Centre for Executive Education (CEE) of the United Nations Mandated University for Peace (UPEACE) and SE Asia based Sarus. In 2014 DSIL ran from October 1st – December 3rd. In 2015 we will run from August – December. See the ‘Program Block Details‘ for more. We are now recruiting for 2015 – let us know if you are interested here.

An Intentionally Sequenced Program with Distinct Building Blocks:
Virtual Classroom Preparation
(2) Field-based immersion to South East Asia
(3) Field-based immersion to South East Asia + ‘Next Steps’ Synthesis 

 Why DSIL?

The DSIL experience empowers international participants with contemporary tools, a cross sector knowledge network and analogous field immersions focused on personal and professional development. We believe that those who have the skills to unlock, re-imagine and create solutions to the world’s most daunting challenges will be at the helm of systems level change. Authentic transformation begins within the individual and those who are trained in the principles of design and leveraging empathic collaboration will be best positioned for success. 

What is the DSIL Approach?
‘Design thinking’ (or d.thinking) is a tool, mindset or methodology for systems or product design and is one avenue to catalyze social innovation- we integrate this approach in DSIL to unleash creativity for the greater good.  All participants will have the opportunity to learn and apply transferable frameworks including The Business (and Lean Model) Canvas, the Liberating Structures facilitation methods  and Non-Violent Communication.

DSIL Themes and Focus

⇢ Social (+Personal) Innovation & Entrepreneurship

⇢ Sustainable Development

⇢ Design Thinking