Tools We Love: Satire

It is difficult to dispute that majority of our media is not objective and does not report the news.  It is skewed, often has an agenda or is just commentary about what other commentators are saying about the “news”. Someone who we enjoy though is Chris Hayes. Some time ago, he shared a satirical story about white mob crime in efforts to demonstrate how different black and white people are portrayed in the media.  Then, one of Project Kinect’s favorite voices, Franchesca Ramsey, wrote an article about it on UpWorthy. Please check out her article.  This link will provide a bit more about her if you would like to check it out.

Tools We love: Being an Ally (We also love Chescaleigh)

Recently Franchesca Ramsey released the video below, 5 Tips For Being An Ally.  It is so important to continuously be mindful of how to be a better ally.  We need to know how to act in any moment of injustice as an ally, even if it is subtle.  As the sign in the cover phote on Franchesca’s Facebook page says, “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” In this picture, she tags the Urban Bush Babes who also rock.

The video from Franchesca, or really Chescaleigh how she is known by her fans, identifies 5 steps we can all use to become a better ally. This video also references all of her resources and added resources from people who have watched the video.  She uses a metaphor of building a house which is extremely relatable. Her 5 tips are:

  1. Understand your privilege. 
  2. Listen and do your homework.
  3. Speak Up, NOT OVER. 
  4. You’ll make Mistakes. Apologize when you do. 
  5. Ally is a VERB. 

For more about Franchesca Ramsey, check out her website and fall in love with her like we have.